
Top 10 word for connecting thoughts
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Người gửi: farmer [ Chủ nhật Tháng 7 16, 2017 5:17 Chiều/Tối ]
Tiêu đề bài viết: Top 10 word for connecting thoughts

1. Also: I went to the store this morning, also I wnet and got coffee.
2. However: I love Tonkatsu Ramen, however it is very high in calories, so I don’t eat it often.
3. On the other hand: I’m thinking about visiting Taiwan sometime this year, but on the other hand, I’m also thinking about visiting Thailand.
4. Still: I still want to go out later… even though I’m tired.
5. Then: When I got up, I brushed my teeth, and then I cooked breakfast, then I took a shower,…
6. Besides: I went out with my friends this weekend, but besides that, I didn’t really do much…
7. Meanwhile: I was working at my office all week last week, meanwhile my co-worker across town were having a party without me.
8. Likewise: Yeah, likewise, it was really good to see you and your family.
9. Instead: I want to have Chiness food, instead of Italian food tonight.
10. In addition: Our new marketing plan worked really well last month, we noticed increase sale in product A, in addition, we have gained a lot of new customers.

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